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Wisdom from my Spirit Guides

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I will be sharing the thoughts I receive from my Spirit Guides.  

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Hi Everyone! Well, it's been some time since I've blogged, so I thought I would today! A lot has changed over the past few months.  As you all know, my Mom passed in December. We sold her home, and all sisters got their share! Just a quick recap: My one sister tried to write us all out of the will and take everything. She did not win!  For me, the past few years have been all about growth and learning. I won't say I'm done learning, but boy, I got an education! Dealing with a narc

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

Magical Andromeda Energy

I love when I draw something and then I forget it and find it months later! I drew this when I was basking in the Andromeda energy. This represents what we can learn from them! Their energy is all about Peace, Love and Joy! It made me smile and feel their love all over again! I hope it does the same for you.  

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

Standing up for yourself

Hi Everyone! I wanted to talk to you today about standing up for yourself. Sometimes in life we feel that no matter what we say, or do no one will hear us, so we don't say anything at all. I'm a person that picks and chooses what I get upset about. Are you? Were there times in my life when I should have spoken up? Absolutely! Why didn't I? I guess when your a people pleaser going against someone is difficult. Why? Because they may not like you! Let's face it we all want to be liked and

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

Anger/Lower Vibrations

Hello Everyone! Yesterday I was working with a client that had anger issues towards a certain person.  While I was helping her my Guides showed me something!  You see I'm a visual person so when I do things I tend to see a lot. ????  I was saying to her that every time you get angry at someone or something you are giving your power away... not only your power, but your energy.  As I said that I extended my hand out, and literally saw white energy leave my body!  I said, Wait!  Come ba

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

Life! Is your Human having an Experience?

Hi Everyone! Life happens, we know that because we live it.  Some of us live in the moment... some live in the past and others live in the future.  I'm living in the moment and "My Human is having an Experience".  The first time I heard that I thought what a great way to live!  A very wise woman (Christine Rogerson) told me that recently when I was going through something (still am).  I found it to be freeing!  I worked through my issues as a "Human" and then I went back to being the loving

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement


Hi Everyone!  Well life is always changing!  Change is always good, but sometimes it doesn't feel like it at the time.  Right now I'm going through some stuff and my guides ask me... "Tina what would you tell your clients?"  When I respond they say, "Exactly!"  It's always so much easier to help others because we see their situation much clearer than we do our own.  Why is that?  ????  Well I think because we let fear take over when we should find peace.  Recently I did just that.  I let fe

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Change

Reverse Aging?

Hi Everyone!  As usual I have been busy learning as much as I can!  Recently I listened to  a seminar on how to reverse aging!  Now for those of you that don't know me I must admit that I have been learning that lesson my whole life... It all started when I was 13 years old.  I remember going to Florida on vacation and  when I went out to the pool there was this lady laying on a lounger.  She was tanning herself.   First I wondered why she was doing that because from what I could tell

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

A Loss :(

Hello everyone!  Like Beverley I too have been away from the community for a while.  Not by choice, but due to circumstances not in my control... to a degree.  My dear friend passed away to due cancer.  We were blessed enough to be with his wife when it happened.  It was a peaceful passing for him.  We had the privilege of being there a couple of days earlier when he was coherent enough to make jokes and keep us laughing.  We told him to say hi to two other dear friends that passed in the last y

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in A loss

Stepping out of the BOX!

Hi Everyone!  So if you have ever had an interest in Numerology and are tired of the cookie cutter ones you normally receive I highly suggest you take Julian's Numerology Course!  One of the things I love about Julian is he always does everything out of the box.  I guess I'm one of those people that need "Permission" so to speak to step out of the box.  ????  In his course Julian tells you to use your Spirit Guides etc.  Don't just copy and past what he wrote in the course.  I thought

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Praise for Julian!

Successful Encounter!

Hi Everyone!  I hope you are all doing well!  I have been super busy lately, but I had to share something!  I'm sure most of you use essential oils.  I do, but usually it's in a diffuser, and I put it in my room when I mediate.  Yesterday, I had to confront someone, and I knew it would be a very stressful situation for me so I called in my Archangels for Protection and asked them to give me the words.  My Spirit Guides to guide me in what to say and when to say it! And any other Spirits that wan

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

A Look Back at The Year 2020!

Hi Everyone! Well this has been quite a year hasn't it!  Today as I looked back on this year I realized that many lessons were learned and that I grew so much spiritually that I am amazed!  The biggest blessing for me was meeting Julian!  I have learned so much from him and I am so blessed to be part of this community!  I truly don't think my year would have been as wonderful as it was without meeting all the people here on Light and Harmony!  I found my tribe! ????  It has been such a bles

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in 2020

Sunshine and Blue Skies... Is that how you see life?

Today I got up, and decided to go outside, and have my coffee! I'm on my patio watching the clouds go by! They are going at such a fast rate that the sky is ever changing. I'm told there is a storm coming, but I'm not seeing it right now. As I'm watching the clouds it reminds me of life. Sometimes it moves so fast we can hardly keep up, and other times it moves so slow we wish it would move on. It also reminds me that there is a steadfast part that we can't always see. As the clouds move by

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

Coincidence or Not? You be the judge!

Hi Everyone!  I had to share a special moment with you all!  I am from the USA, and as you know we had our election for President.  Many people are stressing over who will win.  I was talking to one of my friends about our situation.  After we hung up this is what my Guides told me.... "It doesn't matter who gets in because we are the creators of our lives!  Live, Laugh and Love! We are magical beings moving into the 5th dimension and that is amazing!  We will be the light in this world!  We wil

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Spirit Guides Message

I Belong!

It was brought to my attention recently that I don't always feel like I belong.  I think this has been my struggle for my whole life!  The words "I don't belong here" were words I used many times in my life.  "I don't belong here in Michigan because it's too cold".  "I don't belong here in this house because I don't fit in".  "I don't belong in this church because there has to be more".  So many times I have felt like I didn't belong.  Today I realized that I do belong!  I belong here because I

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

When We Trust

For months now my Spirit Guides have been telling me to trust them.  Little by little I have, but always found myself holding back for some reason.  I guess you could say my mogul mind gets in the way.  ????  About a week ago I realized that I had two car payments taken out.  ????  I contacted the bank right away only to find out I had to wait 10 days and then they would issue me a check.  ???? I did find out, however that if I could prove that the check cleared I could go to the bank and they w

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Message from the Archangels!

Hi Everyone!  This is the message I received from the Archangels today and they wanted me to share it with you!  Here you go! ? Everything begins with love. When you have the love and compassion for others, everything falls into place. Life is an adventure to be lived out so start living the adventure! Don't let others bring you down. Don't let others dictate how you live. If what you do makes you happy then do it, but do it all in love. You don't realize it, but you came here to experience

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Manifestation Fairy!

The Manifestation Fairy has turned up twice this week!  They tell me they want me to share with you so you can manifest too!  This message is to important not to share!  Here is what they said! We see that many of you want to manifest! We are here to help! Tina drew the Manifestation Fairy for all of you! We need you to be very honest and clear about what you wish to manifest in your life. Now write it down on paper: Manifestation, step one!   One of the simplest manifestation tec

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

When God Whispered Your Name

This morning when I woke up with the song, "When God Whispered Your Name" playing through my mind.  I looked up the lyrics and then I asked, "What are you trying to say to me?"  "When God whispered your name... that's when everything changed!"  They told me that my life is going to change for the better!  It's pretty amazing now, but if they can make it better I say YES PLEASE DO! LOL  I put the lyrics the way "they" wanted them.  I hope this encourages you all because God whispered YOUR NAME!

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Special Message Received from the Light!

I was meditating the other day and asked my spirit guides to give me something I have never seen before.  All of a sudden these symbols started to appear.  I wrote them down and said, "What is this?"  They replied, "A message for you."  I said, "Ok what does it say?"  Here's what they said, "Archangel Michael is watching over you and protecting you.  He sees you all the time.  We all see you.  You are free to live your life as you choose.  There are many choices at every opportunity.  They are c

Tina Marie

Tina Marie


I love how the Universe works!  It always amazes me when things just fall into place!  You don't always see them coming and BAM there they are!  Today I had a client let me know that a reading I did for her was spot on!  She went on to explain what I said, and how it all played out!  AMAZING it happened just like I told her!  My Guides are so amazing!  I have been afraid to put myself out there live, but I think they want me to do that again.  I keep getting that they want me to do more videos a

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

My Love is Learning!

In the early stages of our relationship Mark and I learned a lot about each other.  He learned that I was a Psychic etc.  I learned his wife (who passed away from cancer 2 years earlier) was also Psychic, a healer, had her own metaphysical store well I could go on and on. LOL  We both learned that she brought me to him!  That was through 2 mediums, and the fact that she came to me one night!  Exciting stuff.  ?  So you would think that with all of that my love Mark would believe, and trust the s

Tina Marie

Tina Marie


So many times in life our intuition tells us to do something, but we just don't trust it.  Why?  I don't know about you, but when I do readings for someone else I totally trust what comes through.  Having said that, I can't tell you how many times other "psychics" have come to me for a reading.  Why?  Because they don't trust what they are hearing/seeing/what's coming through.  I won't say that I haven't been in their places!  Yes, I've even gotten a couple of readings from Julian!  THANK YOU! 

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Message from the Fairies! :)

Lately I have been a little obsessed with the fairies!  I've always loved them, but never knew why I was drawn to them.  I think if I could have my whole house filled with everything fairy I would!  I've decided to have a Fairy Garden.  My love doesn't know it yet, but it will be wonderful!  Piece by piece I will grow the garden, and I'm so excited about it!  When I was trying to decide what deck to use today it was like the Fairy deck just jumped out at me! ?  I smiled as I picked it up an

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Spirit Guided Vacation!

Hello Everyone! Well my love, Mark and I went on a mini vacation.  We recently bought a Travel Trailer and this was our maiden voyage with it!  We had another trailer, but quickly realized it wasn't for us!  This new one was perfect!  The reason I call this a Spirit Guided Vacation is even before I started I asked my guides, angels and anyone else that could help make our journey amazing to show up!  Boy did they show up!  Before we left I was looking at the weather and 2 out of the 3

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Lost Kitten!

I love how the Universe/God works!  A few days ago I received a panic email from a client. I hadn't heard from her in months.  This mother asking on behalf of her daughter if I could find her daughters kitten.  You see the kitten ran right outside the door the second they opened it, and they couldn't find him.  ?  Back in October I was invited to be the "Entertainment" at a Halloween Party.  This is where I met the daughter.  We had an instant connection so they thought I could help.  Help

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

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