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Wisdom from my Spirit Guides

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Tina Marie


Hi Everyone!

Well, it's been some time since I've blogged, so I thought I would today!

A lot has changed over the past few months.  As you all know, my Mom passed in December. We sold her home, and all sisters got their share! Just a quick recap: My one sister tried to write us all out of the will and take everything. She did not win! 

For me, the past few years have been all about growth and learning. I won't say I'm done learning, but boy, I got an education! Dealing with a narcissist is very difficult, and learning there is no talking to them was hard to accept, but we did it! It's also allowed me to help many people accept their situations with narcissists.

Many years ago, I knew I was going through difficult times, so I could share my experience with others and encourage them to know it is possible to come out on the other side all the stronger!

Exciting things have been happening, and I'm embracing all of them! I'm now working in a metaphysical store sharing my gifts, and I've had some very enlightening experiences with Spirit! So many people are being awakened to what is real and what isn't, and I love that!

A few days ago, I had an unusual experience. I was walking through my kitchen into my living room and I looked at the counter. MY COUNTER WAS MOVING! The cup that was sitting on top of it morphed with the counter, and they were one! As I watched this, it took me a while to figure out what I was seeing. It took me even longer to figure out how to explain what I was seeing! After a few seconds, my brain said, touch the counter. When I did, it was solid again!

I asked Spirit to explain what I had just seen, and they said, "3D doesn't exist. Eventually, you will see the world the way it truly is—fluid and ever-flowing! You are the creator of your life, so a tiny change can make a huge difference. Think of it as ripples in the water. With a tiny touch, everything can change just like the counter did!

Are you making small changes in your life? You may want to start! Life isn't what we always think it is!

Show Grace through Love by being Kind! 🙂 Tina




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