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Wisdom from my Spirit Guides

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I will be sharing the thoughts I receive from my Spirit Guides.  

Entries in this blog

Happiness Where Are You?

So many times in life I would say, "I just want to be happy!"  "What can I do to make myself happy?"  "How do I find Happiness?"  After many, many years of looking for happiness it was brought to my attention that you can't find happiness.  When I asked why?  The reply was this...   "Happiness is a state of mind.  If you are happy with your circumstances right now, more happiness will follow."  What?  I'm supposed to be happy with all the chaos going on around me?  How does that happen?  "It's a

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

I doubted :( .... BUT NOT ANYMORE!!

I had to share this experience that just happened to me!  I don't know why, but every once in a while I feel like second guessing my abilities.  It drives me crazy when I do that!  I'm sure it drives my guides and angels crazy too! LOL   Last night when I was getting ready for bed this thought went through my mind.  Is all this for real?  Their answer was YES.  Why am I here?  To enlighten others, to help them through their trials and tribulations, to encourage, to be a LIGHT and that's jus

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Tips For Raising Your Vibration!

The Angels wanted to remind all of us that we are all energetic beings! Having said that how many times have you said, "I just don't have enough energy today." or "I feel down and I don't know why." or "I wish I could be happy!"  I've been where you are! Here are some tips for raising your vibration so you can get out of the negative space you are in!   1. DANCE!! Dancing will bring a smile to anybody's face! Especially if you aren't very good at it! I love to laugh when I dance!

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Archangels Message for Today May 20, 2020

I don't know why, but it always amazes me when things just fall into place!  Today I decided to step out of my comfort zone and do LIVE TAROT CARD READINGS!  Now for some people that know me they would say, "You nervous?  Crazy!"  You see I used to be an actress, so being in front of people was something I did a lot.  Its one thing to be a character and talking... this is ME being ME!  This is a side to me that people didn't know existed.  You all have given me courage to step out of my comfort

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

A Crazy Dream with Bees?

Hi Everyone! I had this dream and I was wondering if anyone could explain it to me. ?  I was told there was a new treatment for health.  It was bees.  I was walking on a beach and I saw this man putting bees on another mans body.  One by one he carefully placed the stinger end of the bee in neat rows all over the other mans body.  I had never seen anything like that before and said, "I don't think I could do that!  I would be too afraid."  The person with me smiled.  We walked on and there

Tina Marie

Tina Marie


So lately this question has come up a lot. Can we call upon the Archangels and if we do how often can we reach out to them?   I'm going to share my opinion and experience in regard to this issue.  Before I can do that, however I have to go back in time... Growing up I always knew there was more to life than what I was experiencing.  I was always in seek mode, searching for the truth.  Some people would tell me that I couldn't go to God for anything because that wasn't his job.  You had to g

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

New Beginnings are Coming!

When I did my reading today the angels wanted me to share with all of you my message!  This is for you all too! New Beginnings are coming!  It is the end of delays because there will be a change in direction that offers happiness.  Compromise is necessary.  Self-control, patience, forgiveness and healing energies are surrounding you all!  Take this time to do what you love, because this is a time of great personal growth in your career or artistic endeavors!  Work with others in a cooperati

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Bright Orange Twinkling Lights!

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Everyone!  I'm finally recuperated from our trip!  It takes me a little longer because I'm an empath, and I just feel things deeply.  Sometimes that's a gift I cherish and other times... well let's just say I wish I felt less. ?   One of the things I wanted to share is what I saw while on our trip.  We were located on the Gulf of Mexico just feet from the water.  I was looking into the water one day, and I saw bright orange twinkling lights!  At least that is

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Thunder, Lightening, Storms! OH MY!

My love Mark and I are on a journey!  We recently purchased a Travel Trailer and our friends asked us to join them on their trip up north (Florida) haha.  We said sure!  Of course it would have been smart to check the weather before we left!  Oops!   Last night was quite the experience! Where we are located it is right on the Gulf of Mexico! The storms came in with a bang! The wind howled, the rain came down in buckets, thunder clashed and lightening shined bright, but through it all we wer

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

The End is Near! A Message from the Archangels!

While I was meditating today, I asked the Archangels to give me a message for everyone.  They said that today is a day for encouragement! The time is coming close for all of this to end! We must try and hold onto our sanity! I realize it has been very challenging and I'm here to say... Yes it has! Tempers are starting to fly and patience has gone out the window. People want things to get back to normal! I agree!  How about we look at all we are grateful for and we will realize that maybe th

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Did you clean out your closet?

Message from the Spirits Today is the day for hope! Things are about to change. Will you be ready? Did you take this time to clean your closet? You have many closets in your spirit. It is important to clean them out so you can begin a new! Do you have some past hurts that need to be let go? Please let them go so you can move forward faster! We want to fill you up with our light and we can't if you hold onto what doesn't serve you! You've made sacrifices in the past, and they left you with a

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Message from the Rat

Be true to yourself and the universe will reward you.  So many times we pretend to be who we think people perceive us to be.  We are never our true selves. I struggled with that for most of my life.  It wasn't until I had someone that believed in me that I was able to transform!  The love of my life gave me the courage to be my true self!  Do you have someone in your life like that?  If not you have it here in the community!  We will support and encourage you to be your true self!  Don't hold ba

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Conversation with Jesus!

When I drew my card for the day I felt like it could be a message for everyone!  Here is the message! BE A MAGNET FOR LIGHT, LOVE AND JOY! During this time it is hard sometimes to be the light, love and joy we would like to be.  I read Kendra's blog and she hit the nail right on the head!  Today is a new day!  For some strange reason I have been waking up to Love, and Joy!  The songs that keep coming to me that I haven't thought about in many, many, many years are coming forward!  The

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Oh What a Beautiful Morning!

The minute I woke up this morning this song was playing in my head.  I got up with a spring in my step, and a smile on my face!  I remember a time when my Mom had a music box that played this song.  I would get up in the morning, go into her room, and play it!  It always put a smile on my face!  I hope it does yours!  

Tina Marie

Tina Marie


So many times in life we struggle and fight our circumstances.  If  we would just let go and relax we would realize that it is just the Universe/God telling us to slow down and refocus.  Take time for you!  All the things you worry about will still be there.  Getting strong is more important.  Being an Empath there are many times when I have to "retreat" so that I can recharge.  I need to recharge so I can continue to help others.  My goal is to share the light within so that all can glow!  Shar

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Message from Archangel Ariel

There is so much to be accomplished!  Make a plan that is methodical, and sees to every detail.  Slow and steady wins the race.  Make sure you are open to what comes your way!  I know it doesn't seem like now is the right time to be doing this, but it is!  You can focus on what you want to do, and give up the focus on the world.  This is your time to shine. ? Know that I am with you!  Call upon me to help!  I'm always standing right next to you ready to help at a moments notice! Archangel A

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Life Changes

So many times in life we think we are going in one direction only to find that direction changed.  This is what is happening now!  Our direction has changed.  What do we do about it?  Well you can fight it or accept it.  I choose to accept it.  Some people may find this hard because their health is suffering.  Ask for healing!  There are many healers on this site that can help.  If you feel down because you can't accept, there is help here too!  Reach out to me I can help you, and I'm sure there

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Reiki Healing?

So today I got a text from a client.  She wanted to give me a review, but lost the link. After I sent her the link I asked her how she was doing and she said, "I'm exhausted!  I feel like I can't even move!"  I proceed to send her some healing energy.  When I did I felt like she was resisting so I mustered up all the energy I had, put my hands in front of me and started pushing it all her way.  She text me a few seconds later and said, "What did you just do?  Did you send me a fireball?  I have

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Obstacles and Challenges

So many times in life we view our obstacles and challenges as a negative.  They aren't.  It's the Universe's/God's way of fine tuning our situation!  Everyday I send out a newsletter to my clients and today just cracked me up!  I always ask my Spirit Guides to write them a message.  Here is what they said today! "There will be obstacles and challenges this week. Embrace them because they are there to make you better! Don't throw in the towel! We have your back! We are putting the puzzle pie

Tina Marie

Tina Marie


Good morning from Sunny Florida!  The message I got from my Guides was "Be The Light!"  We are all light in this world, and we need to SHINE BRIGHT!  So many times in my life I would be less of who I was so someone else could shine brighter.  I thought that by me being less they would feel better.  It didn't work.  All it did was make me feel bad because I wasn't being my true self!  Maybe today you can Be The Light and Shine Bright!  ?

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Techniques for an Empath

Hi Everyone!  So Spirit has weighed it on my heart to share my techniques with everyone!  Even if you aren't an Empath, you may know someone who is.  Before you get to the techniques I would like to share with you what an Empath is.  Most of you I'm sure know, but in case there is someone here that doesn't know... You will learn! ? This is part of a program that I created for some of my clients. ?   It is important for you to understand yourself.  As an Empath you absorb everyone’

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Being an Empath

Yesterday I was working with a client and he shared that they were struggling with their daughter.  He proceeded to tell me how she was feeling, and how helpless they felt to help her.  I said, "She's an Empath."  He said, "Yes, I believe she is.  We talked about that the last time we talked about her."  I said, "I remember."  I then proceed to explain to him why she feels the way she does, and how being an Empath myself I would love to work with her.  In our lives we go through things to help u

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Sleepless Night

Good morning from Sunny Florida!  I just had to share my experience last night!  I was exhausted from the day so I went to bed early... not to early though.  ?  I woke up and thought it was morning.  To my utter dismay when I looked at the clock it read 2:00 AM!  I was wide awake!  Now what do I do? ?  The thought came to mind to ask my Spirit Guide Mary if she would take me on a journey!  She smiled and said, Absolutely!  So I closed my eyes and off we went.  A cloud appeared and we stepped on

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

Rest and Rejuvenate

Hello from Sunny Florida! As I was doing my meditating today the message was rest and rejuvenate!  I tend to be a person who knows her limits.  Being an Empath, I treasure my energy so I make sure I don't overdo.  If I happen to on occasion overdo it my body sure lets me know!  Spending time outside in the sun is crucial to my well being.  I'm blessed to have a patio where I can go and sit!  I love looking at my plants and seeing the bees pollinate them.  This is very relaxing for me!  Do y

Tina Marie

Tina Marie

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