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Wisdom from my Spirit Guides

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Obstacles and Challenges

Tina Marie


So many times in life we view our obstacles and challenges as a negative.  They aren't.  It's the Universe's/God's way of fine tuning our situation!  Everyday I send out a newsletter to my clients and today just cracked me up!  I always ask my Spirit Guides to write them a message.  Here is what they said today!

"There will be obstacles and challenges this week. Embrace them because they are there to make you better! Don't throw in the towel! We have your back! We are putting the puzzle pieces together! Sometimes there has to be challenges in order to sharpen you! Think of it as chiseling away the tartar on your teeth! It doesn't feel so good, but it is necessary to keep you healthy! Go out there and keep Shining Your Light Bright!"

Needless to say my Spirit Guides have quite the sense of humor!  I'm still giggling over the teeth comment!  Totally them!  You should hear them when I do readings!  I just crack up all the time when they are giving my client a visual.  

Well, just had to share!  Have an AMAZING DAY!  ??

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I love that about the teeth cleaning!! Wonderful reminder & message!

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Beverley Pennell


Thats fantastic i love the way they put things.

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Tina Marie


I agree!  It must be where I get my sense of humor from.  LOL

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