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The End is Near! A Message from the Archangels!

Tina Marie


While I was meditating today, I asked the Archangels to give me a message for everyone.  They said that today is a day for encouragement! The time is coming close for all of this to end! We must try and hold onto our sanity!

I realize it has been very challenging and I'm here to say... Yes it has! Tempers are starting to fly and patience has gone out the window. People want things to get back to normal! I agree!  How about we look at all we are grateful for and we will realize that maybe things aren't quite as bad as we think.

They also said:

This is your lucky day! New resources of money, time or support are coming! Possible changes in jobs or maybe even a promotion! You are about to come full circle and this will be a happy ending! Look for your spiritual growth and insight! There is so much to be grateful for! Look around and see your blessings! Some will be able to retire. Some will have new jobs. Some will begin new families! Yes so much to be grateful for. Focus on the positive and let go of everything else!

Did You Know?

So many times in life we focus our energy on the wrong thing. When we are happy nothing else matters. How do you find happiness? By being content in your current situation. Some things we can change and some things we can't. When we fight what we can't change it makes it worse. Let it go and change your focus. You will be happy you did!

I'm sending you all a Blessing of Encouragement to see all that you have to be Grateful for!

Tina ?

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Thank you for sharing. And thank you Angels for that news xx

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