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Bright Orange Twinkling Lights!

Tina Marie


Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Everyone!  I'm finally recuperated from our trip!  It takes me a little longer because I'm an empath, and I just feel things deeply.  Sometimes that's a gift I cherish and other times... well let's just say I wish I felt less. ?  

One of the things I wanted to share is what I saw while on our trip.  We were located on the Gulf of Mexico just feet from the water.  I was looking into the water one day, and I saw bright orange twinkling lights!  At least that is the best way for me to describe what I was looking at!  I asked my love Mark if he saw them and he said, "No I don't".  I was like, "There they are right there!  You don't see that?"  He smiled and said, "No honey, that is clearly just for you."  I was like, "Wow, this is so cool! I wish you could see it!"  It was there for a very long time, and then it went away.  I felt so blessed to experience something so magical!  

Have you ever had an experience like that?  Please share if you have!  I would love to hear about your magical experiences!

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Tina that is a beautiful, magical moment! Thank you for sharing it!! I am not sure if I have had an experience like that, however this winter I had an amazing experience and I know it was just for me at the time. I had been doing guided meditations and met my spirit animal which at that time was the RED FOX. I  had just done the mediation in the morning and sat with it, then drove an hour to my parents home which is on a lake. About 5 minutes after we got there, my dad yelled for us to come to the front windows. He had never seen anything like it. A RED FOX was sitting there by a tree in the neighbors yard not more than 30 feet away.  My dad was astonished as he has never seen a fox on the lake nor this close in his lifetime. He was wondering out loud why on earth was a red fox here. Somehow I knew he was there for me. A sign on my path that I was on the journey and yes we watched him for another hour or so, I think my dad took 50 pictures lol. Anyway, this was a magical moment for me!~

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Tina Marie


WOW that is so cool!!  Thank you so much for sharing Mandi! ?

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