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New Beginnings are Coming!

Tina Marie


When I did my reading today the angels wanted me to share with all of you my message!  This is for you all too!

New Beginnings are coming!  It is the end of delays because there will be a change in direction that offers happiness.  Compromise is necessary.  Self-control, patience, forgiveness and healing energies are surrounding you all!  Take this time to do what you love, because this is a time of great personal growth in your career or artistic endeavors!  Work with others in a cooperative manner.  Don't hold back!  Share your ideas because others can help you move forward with them in a way that will benefit you greatly!

Sending you Blessings of Great Joy!

Archangel Jeremiel, Archange Zadkiel and Archangel Ariel

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Beverley Pennell


Thank you Tina for this post, and you are spot on.  

With the help from fellow tribe members things are falling into place for many of us, the love that has been shown from many of our members has touched me personally.

again Tina thank you.

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Tina Marie


You are very welcome Beverley!  I'm glad you are doing better!! ?

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