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Wisdom from my Spirit Guides

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I will be sharing the thoughts I receive from my Spirit Guides.  

Entries in this blog

Magical Andromeda Energy

I love when I draw something and then I forget it and find it months later! I drew this when I was basking in the Andromeda energy. This represents what we can learn from them! Their energy is all about Peace, Love and Joy! It made me smile and feel their love all over again! I hope it does the same for you.  

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

Standing up for yourself

Hi Everyone! I wanted to talk to you today about standing up for yourself. Sometimes in life we feel that no matter what we say, or do no one will hear us, so we don't say anything at all. I'm a person that picks and chooses what I get upset about. Are you? Were there times in my life when I should have spoken up? Absolutely! Why didn't I? I guess when your a people pleaser going against someone is difficult. Why? Because they may not like you! Let's face it we all want to be liked and

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

Anger/Lower Vibrations

Hello Everyone! Yesterday I was working with a client that had anger issues towards a certain person.  While I was helping her my Guides showed me something!  You see I'm a visual person so when I do things I tend to see a lot. ????  I was saying to her that every time you get angry at someone or something you are giving your power away... not only your power, but your energy.  As I said that I extended my hand out, and literally saw white energy leave my body!  I said, Wait!  Come ba

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

Life! Is your Human having an Experience?

Hi Everyone! Life happens, we know that because we live it.  Some of us live in the moment... some live in the past and others live in the future.  I'm living in the moment and "My Human is having an Experience".  The first time I heard that I thought what a great way to live!  A very wise woman (Christine Rogerson) told me that recently when I was going through something (still am).  I found it to be freeing!  I worked through my issues as a "Human" and then I went back to being the loving

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

Reverse Aging?

Hi Everyone!  As usual I have been busy learning as much as I can!  Recently I listened to  a seminar on how to reverse aging!  Now for those of you that don't know me I must admit that I have been learning that lesson my whole life... It all started when I was 13 years old.  I remember going to Florida on vacation and  when I went out to the pool there was this lady laying on a lounger.  She was tanning herself.   First I wondered why she was doing that because from what I could tell

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

I Belong!

It was brought to my attention recently that I don't always feel like I belong.  I think this has been my struggle for my whole life!  The words "I don't belong here" were words I used many times in my life.  "I don't belong here in Michigan because it's too cold".  "I don't belong here in this house because I don't fit in".  "I don't belong in this church because there has to be more".  So many times I have felt like I didn't belong.  Today I realized that I do belong!  I belong here because I

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

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