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Techniques for an Empath

Tina Marie


Hi Everyone!  So Spirit has weighed it on my heart to share my techniques with everyone!  Even if you aren't an Empath, you may know someone who is.  Before you get to the techniques I would like to share with you what an Empath is.  Most of you I'm sure know, but in case there is someone here that doesn't know... You will learn! ?

This is part of a program that I created for some of my clients. ?


It is important for you to understand yourself.  As an Empath you absorb everyone’s energies.  This is what is causing you to be overwhelmed.  At this point I don’t feel that you can tell your emotions from everyone else’s.  Below is an explanation of what an Empath is.

Empaths have a low threshold for stimulation; the need for alone time; sensitivity to light, sound, and smell; and an aversion to large groups. It also takes highly sensitive people longer to wind down after a busy day, since their ability to transition from high stimulation to being quiet is slower. 

Empaths can be introverts or extroverts (although most are introverts). They love nature and quiet environments. The more time you spend with nature the better it is for your well-being.

Empaths can sense subtle energy, and actually absorb it from other people, and different environments. This capacity allows us to experience the energy around us, including emotions and physical sensations, in extremely deep ways. We energetically internalize the feelings and pain of others—and often have trouble distinguishing someone else’s discomfort from our own. Some Empaths have profound spiritual and intuitive experiences—with animals and nature.

Their desire to help others is great, but they should be careful not to take on the emotions of those they are helping.  This is the challenge of most Empaths.  Using the “Letting Go of the Cords Technique” will help.  Also putting up the “Permission Rose Technique” will help to not let the cords attach in the first place.  Even though you have compassion you must protect your energy otherwise you will be no good to anyone.

Always remember that we are all on our own journey.  We can come alongside a person, and help them along the way, but remember it’s not your journey, it’s theirs.  A good way to practice this is to watch TV.  When we watch TV, we put ourselves in the place of the different characters.  This gives us a more emotional feeling when watching the show.  The challenge for Empaths is to not do that.  Try watching a movie, and not get emotional when someone is hurt, or cries.  This helped me to learn how to separate myself from others, but still be sympathetic.  On a side note, I will say that it doesn’t always work, but I try anyway. 

Understanding who you are will help you on your journey.  Knowledge is Power!  Always remember to take what you learn and apply it in your life.  When you do that you can soar to new heights!

Here are the techniques!

Lesson 1 - Everything is energy.  Having said that know that we all vibrate on different levels.  The higher the vibration the happier we become.  The lower the vibration, nothing seems to work. My goal is to help you raise your vibration. ?  Every day it is important to claim: “I am self-love”.  That will connect you to source energy.  When you are connected to source energy… ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!  You become the creator of your world.  

Lesson 2 - BREATHE!  Breathing is the most important thing we can do.  It helps center us, and calm us down when we are stressed.  Taking time to inhale, and exhale deliberately will help any situation.  So, know that when you are meditating you must take several deep breaths. Focus on the breath and you will get to a quiet space faster. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth connecting with sound.  This is important because when we connect with sound it keeps our spirit in our body. ?  ALWAYS BREATHE BEFORE ANY EXERCISE!

Lesson 3 - CHAKRAS - There are seven main chakras, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. These invisible wheels of energy keep us vibrant and healthy.  There are many, many more chakras but we are only going to work with the main 7.  To visualize a chakra in the body, imagine a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet. To learn more about Chakras go to my website: https://tarotbytinamarie.com/chakras-1

Lesson 4 - Grounding - Sit in a chair.  Take 3 deep breaths connecting with sound on the first one.  Focus on your breathing and when you feel ready imagine you are seeing a white light coming from above and it is filling up your chakras and your whole body.  Once your chakras are filled with the white light imagine that there is a root going from your Root Chakra down to center of the earth.  Imagine that root spreading out into other branches like a vine.  They are all connected.  These roots go all the way down to the center of earth.  When you reach the center of the earth imagine that there is a pool of crystalline energy, and that root is connecting to it. Once you connect to that space, spread out the root until it is as wide as you are or wider.  You can make it as wide as you want.  When you are done then imagine all that energy coming up, and meeting with the white light, and the two flow over your head like a fountain, and fill up your aura.  Just sit and enjoy the feeling of being loved.  When you are ready open your eyes, and feel the difference!  Peace, Love, Joy and Security are all there for you!  This is called grounding yourself.   

Lesson 5 - Letting Go – Letting go of Cords that are attached to you that aren’t yours.  This is from years of people attaching themselves to you.  You need to let them all go!  The way to do this is to imagine a bunch of cords all connected to your heart.  Say, “I send these cords that aren’t mind back to the person they belong to.  Give them a blessing of whatever they need from me.”  Then imagine them all leaving.  Once they are all gone ask for your energy to come back to you that you gave away.  Imagine your energy coming back and filling up the void that was left when you sent the cords back.  Do this several times until you feel lighter.  BREATHE! ?  If you feel there are some empty spaces fill them up with White Light and let your light shine! ?  Do this every day in order to prevent anyone from connecting their cords to you.

Lesson 6 - Energy that no longer serves us - BLESS the person or people that are taking your energy.  They are doing it as a way to help themselves, but just don’t know it.  Say, “I Bless you with pure Love and Light.”  Or “I Bless you with Kindness” Or “I Bless you with Happiness.”  “I Bless you with whatever it is you need from me.”  You get the idea. Just make sure it comes from the heart. 

Lesson 7 - Permission Rose - This exercise is for when you need to keep your personal space or to thwart off negative energy.  Imagine you have a rose in your hand, and you place it at the edge of your aura.  If there is someone specific you don’t want to get any closer than that say, “I set this Permission Rose so that (Fill in the blank) can’t get close to me.  Now sometimes we just need to put it so no one gets close, except the people we love.  If so, then just say that. ?  You can put your Rose as far out as you want. ?
Lesson 8 - Valuing yourself - Sit quietly and take 4 deep breaths.  Focus on your breath.  When you have done that ground yourself and then sit quietly.  Imagine that you are going back in time.  You are going to a time when you were about 5 years old.  You are standing at the front door of you house.  Open that door and walk in. (Let all emotions come) What do you feel?  Safe? Scared? Notice the emotion.  Now go into the bedroom and see yourself at 5 years old just sitting there.  Walk over to yourself and put your arms around you and tell yourself that everything will be ok.  Tell yourself you are beautiful.  Tell yourself you are loved…. anything you need to hear that is uplifting and encouraging.  Feel that secure hug and love. Cry if you need too.  When you are ready you can leave knowing that everything will be ok.  This exercise will help the future you.  You can do this several times if you need to.

Lesson 9 - Loving yourself - This is something that will take some time so be gentle with yourself.  Look in the mirror and tell yourself “I love you”.  In the beginning you may not believe it, but in time you will.  Tell yourself “I am Beautiful” “I am sexy” “I am perfect just the way I am” Say anything to make yourself know that you love yourself.  Your body and spirit will thank you!  Do this every day!

Lesson 10 - Letting Go Balloon - In this exercise you sit in a relaxed place and close your eyes. Take 10 Deep Breaths.  Ground yourself and then Imagine there is a balloon just outside of your aura.  You are going to fill that balloon with all the thoughts and feelings that no longer serve you.  When a thought or feeling comes, ACKNOWLEDGE IT by saying, “Thank you Ego for bring that to my mind.  I no longer need it.”  Then imagine the thought or feeling going into the balloon.  When you have exhausted all the feelings, thoughts and emotions that no longer serve you… imagine the balloon going up into outer space and then explode it.  You may need to do this several times.  Just repeat the action when the feelings etc. come up.  Eventually it will get easier.  When you feel you are done make sure you fill up those spaces with White Light!  This is a very important step.

Lesson 11 – Let go of the Puzzle – In our lives we have created stories on how we see our lives and how they should go.  This is going to be letting go of the puzzle that we created in order to start a new puzzle.  The old pieces don’t fit anymore.  Can you let go of the emotion you put with the situation?  Can you let go of the situation?  Can you let go and, just be you?  Let’s try. Take a deep breath and exhale with sound.  Then ground yourself.  After you do that just sit quietly.  As thoughts come let go of the ones you don’t have any feeling with.  When you get to the thoughts that you have feeling with, focus on that.  Let the feeling come, let the story come and let the incident come that happened.  After a while let go of the feeling and just think about the incident.  Then let of the incident so there is just you.  Love yourself as if it never happened.  You may need to do this several times so make sure you get to the point where you let go of the emotion, then the story/belief.

Lesson 12 – Mindful Meditation – This is a breathing meditation to calm and relax you in stressful situations.  When you master this technique, you can use it anywhere anytime!  Ok find a comfortable place to sit.  Close your eyes and take in 3 deep breaths.  When you breathe in count one in your head, hold it for 2 seconds, then breathe out count one.  Next breath, breathe in two, hold, out two.  Continue counting until you reach number five, then start over with one.  Notice where you feel the breath and concentrate on that area.  If a thought comes in… let it.  Just breathe through it just like you do the numbers.  After you breathe the thought out, start over with number one.  Do this exercise until it becomes second nature.  After a while you can stop counting, and just focus on your breath, and where you feel it.  Start out doing this for five minutes and work up to 10 minutes.  Download the app Insight Timer.  It will give you a soft tone to start your session and a soft tone to end it.  It’s free!  (Got this from Julian!  Thanks Julian!)

Ok there you have it!  I hope these techniques help everyone that needs help!  ?

Sending you all a Blessing of acceptance! ?



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Thank you for sharing all of these techniques! I enjoyed our conversation last night and will being using the Rose Technique at work today ?❤️ 

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Tina Marie


You’re welcome!  You will have to let me know how you do! ? I enjoyed our conversation too! ?

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Thank you Tina for sharing all these techniques in one place!

I have been using the "lesson 1" with various affirmations and activations. I usually use the word "activate" in greek (ex. I activate self love) out loud because when you pronounce specific letters they activate neurotransmitters on the brain. Especially the letter "n". I love the way you explained how it conncets you to source energy. ?

Fisrt time I heard of Rose Permission, valuable technique! 

Lesson 8: It reminds me the inner child technique I learned for emotional traumas and system belief. 

The day Julian taught us how to meditate mindfully I have to admit it was the first time I could meditate that way! Thoughts were coming and I was judging myself for lack of concetration and consistency. It all takes time and the right techniques! ? Nothing more nothing less!

Blessings to you! 

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Tina Marie


Thank you for your comments Elena!  When I found what worked for me I started to put a list together to share with my clients.  Those that have done what I suggest noticed a big difference... just like me!  I hope more people can benefit! ?

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May I add something new I recently learnt?

By tapping to the thymus gland 3 times and the intention of raising a shield ("Shield's up") it protects you of picking up other's energies/emotions/body ailments etc for some hours.

The thymus gland is between heart and throat chakra. So, the colour of the shield is between green & blue, petrol like.

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Thank you Tina! will try some of them, I think the letting go balloon will be useful for me!  ?

about " watching movie".... I used to be very emotional, cry easily when I feel someone else sadness, heaviness... I remember as a child I even cry when "objects" got hurt...., all my childhood I label myself as strange.  At work, I was a family photographer in HongKong, going to different people's home that filled with different kind of tensions. I was often overwhelmed by others negative emotions, I learnt to ignore it and send back blessings in my way ( I still can't verbalise it) and I do believe I bring healing to them not only with the love I captured in photogaph , but also help energetically.  To get my job done well I have to be fully engaged into their family bonding and joy, at the same time I learnt to withdraw from their "bad" emotions and distructive thoughts.

Recent years, when I start to know more about the wider & richer meaning of our physical life on earth and the afterlives. Somehow I worry that I became too " cool blooded" in other people eyes,  not having the same level of sorrow when something "bad" happen, or I see lost and death in a too light way.  People might feel I'm too "practical & naive"  focus only on positive things.

I'm still trying my lessons to learn to find a balance about non-sentimental compassion. Being able to support and caring in the way/ the pace they need most at the moment. 

thank you! 


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Tina Marie


Elena I just saw the technique you posted!  I'm trying it today!  Thank you! ?

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Tina Marie


CassShingBiegala I totally understand where you are coming from.  I too did the same thing!  I pulled back and protected myself.  I didn't let anything in, not even the good!  That scared me so I got to a point where I could be sympathetic to the person without feeling it.  Of course it doesn't always work. ? You will find the balance you need.  Just remember when someone looses a loved one its because they will miss them.  They will miss talking to them, finding comfort in them, and some find it hard because they don't understand how life works.  Being a Medium I find comfort in knowing I can reach out to them if I want.  When my Dad passed I did that.  He always let me know that he was there for me, but even being able to do that... I still miss him.  I miss his laugh, I wish he could have met my love, I wish he was here for my Mom.  Luckily my Mom reaches out to him, and he always lets her know he's there for her.  Oh and remember it's ok to cry!  We are unique beings and we have a special gift!  Don't forget that. ?   Sending you a Blessing of the Ability to find Balance! ? ?

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@Tina Marie try it and let me know how it works for you! I use it these days especially when going to the super markets cause it gets a bit overwhelming these days! I get to enjoy more my time out! ? 

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Thank you , I understand more about myself now, I do miss my loved ones, maybe I miss too much I don’t want to admit I have this feeling. Somehow being “ too positive in letting go” could be my way of protecting myself (escaping). I guess I can try to be more open to my vulnarbility. I understand it’s a strength to be vulnerable, that is a way to fully experience life. I’m learning. Thank you @Tina Marie

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Thank you @elena . I will ask my husband to try, he's always overwhelmed in the market picking up stupid things from others! I reminded him to put a protective shield but obviously he need an upgrade one?   


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Thank you Tina Marie for the Sunday session, it was fascinating, really enjoyed it.  Ive just re read the thread you did.  Thank you for sharing the techniques you use, and all so beneficial with everything thats going on at the moment.

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