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Wisdom from my Spirit Guides

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Special Message Received from the Light!

Tina Marie


I was meditating the other day and asked my spirit guides to give me something I have never seen before.  All of a sudden these symbols started to appear.  I wrote them down and said, "What is this?"  They replied, "A message for you."  I said, "Ok what does it say?"  Here's what they said, "Archangel Michael is watching over you and protecting you.  He sees you all the time.  We all see you.  You are free to live your life as you choose.  There are many choices at every opportunity.  They are coming fast so take what you can, but always stay free!"  Wow!  What an awesome experience!  They tell me more messages are to come and I am excited for them!  They also told me what each symbol means so I wrote it down to help with the next message!  

Sending you all a Blessing to see the Magic!


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