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Music To My Ears

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About this blog

My spiritual thoughts and ramblings of my experience over the last 40 years with spirit. All my blogs and channelling recently have had music connotations so find the hidden music links.

Entries in this blog

Little By Little

Little By Little  Coming from the UK and being in my prime of youth in the early 90's Oasis were a band that hit the scene and I lived in Manchester at the time which amplified the belonging to this music. On Sunday, June 14th I completed my spiritual room project which has taken almost two years in the making.  Every day I would do something towards getting it to an environment and space that allows me to sit, be and grow. The energy has built over this period and the financ

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

Spiritual Acceptance

We all know that on times this spiritual journey can be a very lonely place, a place where we are not only struggling with our inner acceptance but when we come out the acceptance of others. This acceptance can be extremely painful especially when that non-acceptance is from the ones we love the most.  I can speak from experience and say that even today I keep certain aspects of my spiritual life and journey to myself and I keep my court. I know that I won't be accepted by everyo

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

Times They Are A Changin

Times they are changing  I haven't written a blog for a while, due to being so busy on other areas and spiritual projects. I was inspired to write today when Ronnie came to me and said for the times they are a-changing and of course, straight away my mind went to the Bob Dylan classic. The times are changing and I believe that when we all come out of this historic period the need to help others with the awakening that has taken. It gives us the chance to be able to learn, grow

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

We Are Light

We are all human and we have ups and downs and over the past and in the future but we must always remember that our awakening has started because we had an experience or a thought where we questioned the status quo and that is more today than ever. Now we are awakening we can truly turn on our light, we can illuminate our soul, with love, compassion and kindness. The world is calibrating right now and we know that once this situation has passed our light needs to shine brighter than ever, our aw

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

Let it wash over me

Some of you know that I had the divine intervention when Matt Simons song Catch & Release came onto my playlist from nowhere. I suppose some people would just say I didn't put that there and turn it off.  For me it was given to me to listen to and the words of the song meant so much because for the last couple of years the lyrics have been what I have been teaching. All about mindfulness and a space where we are not lonely. Importantly let it all wash over us and bath in the uncertainty

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

Paradise City x

Take me back to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty. When I closed my eyes today and said to Ronnie what's the blog about today mate, this is what came to me. I believe this message coincides with a message I had yesterday that I had to look up the meaning and that was don't let the human mind extrapolate your spiritual journey. This all brings it back to me that we need to realise we are where we are at the moment as we are meant to be right here. You c

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

Lets Stick Together

I wanted to create a community for likeminded souls to be able to share experiences and provide support in an environment that is conducive to learning and developing. When I launched the site on the 3rd of February I knew that this was going to be the time in which we would all grow together within this beautiful space. It is about together stronger and we can all share our experiences and love to enable us to have the trust, to surrender and embody spirit in a way that can allow us t

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

Whats It All About Alfie?

Sitting in my car this morning on the way to my restaurant to open up for the builder, I got thinking about a forthcoming mediumship workshop and talk I will be delivering at the end of October.  I thought to myself why do we become mediums why do we want to connect with spirit what are our motivations and how do we stay true to self. I think personally that people enter into mediumship because they have either had an experience of spirit or what to learn more because they have been in

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

Spiritual Changes

I have been to plenty of venues and sat in lots of church services to see that the movement of spiritualism is on a life support machine. Some people within the organisation may disagree and that is the beauty of life, it is all about opinions. What I am seeing is depleting numbers and content that is no longer current or relevant to the next generation who really want to be involved, but like the energy to walk through the door or to sit on the chair in circle. We are blessed to have

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

The Power Of Love

Having just come back from a week-long studying week at Arthur Findlay College where it is about the seven fundamental principles of the SNU I have a different aspect and take on this. Just for the record what an amazing place full of even more amazing people. (Thank you for the gift Arthur Findlay.) For me, there are two principles we should hold dear to our heart, two principles that should shape and form not only who we are but more importantly why we are here. The ability to give l

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

I got the power

I am in the process of putting down on paper the mechanics of what spirit are showing me when it comes to meditation to connect with spirit and work with them. I have said many times I think there are many positive instances mediation can have on you, your life and your spiritual pathway. Meditation in a circle is great for nourishing our connections, relationships and providing divine guidance as to how we progress. The Power Meditation is when you want to get into the power, ste

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

Higher Love

The more I work with spirit the more I teach spirituality the more I understand. We all need to live our lives more spiritually we need to love ourselves we need to connect with ourselves and everything else will flow. I keep saying and I believe it to be true that there is a sad like of spirit in spirituality and spiritualism. That divine connection on times has been traded for the end product of mediumship and the insatiable desire for messages or readings. Working as a ps

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

Rip It Up & Start Again

Having worked in a certain way all my life when it comes to mediumship, can you imagine my surprise when I went to Arthur Findlay college only to be told, there is another way. I truly believe this was a polite way of saying, I am the wrong way around. In fact, when I did arrive I can remember have a strong debate with someone who had been to the college on so many occasions and had the exposure of the wise shining lights. It wasn’t until the Monday evening when another penny dropped a

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

Come Together

When you are a young man in a very alpha male environment and you are very much aware of spirit where do you turn? What if you are more spiritual than religious, what if you don’t have the confidence to walk through the door to a development circle, there are so many what-ifs we could write a new tapestry on the subject. The reality is there are many many people who don’t know which way to turn. So many people who have had experiences with spirit that they can't understand and even wor

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

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