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I got the power

Julian Jenkins


I am in the process of putting down on paper the mechanics of what spirit are showing me when it comes to meditation to connect with spirit and work with them.

I have said many times I think there are many positive instances mediation can have on you, your life and your spiritual pathway.

Meditation in a circle is great for nourishing our connections, relationships and providing divine guidance as to how we progress.

The Power Meditation is when you want to get into the power, step into the energy of spirit.

TO make that connection with soul self, your heart centre, and the spirit world.

Over the coming weeks, I will be unfolding my thoughts and the thoughts of spirit as to how best use all the meditation tools for us to truly connect in a way that allows us to provide evidence, healing, and divine truth to all those we demonstrate to or read for.

Meditating for long periods before a sitting or demonstration for me is futile as it is very passive.

We want to sit in the power, we want to amplify the power, create a space call spirit close, set our intentions and watch the connection be special.

It is all about connection, this means both with yourself and the higher vibrations of spirit.

Keep a look out for more in my blogs as this communication, design, and structure unfolds.

Again true to my blog all I could here was the song "I Got The Power from Snap"

God Bless.


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