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Let it wash over me

Julian Jenkins


Some of you know that I had the divine intervention when Matt Simons song Catch & Release came onto my playlist from nowhere. I suppose some people would just say I didn't put that there and turn it off. 

For me it was given to me to listen to and the words of the song meant so much because for the last couple of years the lyrics have been what I have been teaching. All about mindfulness and a space where we are not lonely. Importantly let it all wash over us and bath in the uncertainty of life and spiritual guidance, just trust surrender and embody this wonderful gift.

Spirituality and Spiritualism is a wonderful blend that can truly allow us to live our best lifeand deliver our souls purpose and leave this world in a better place than when we entered it. Helping people along the way to discover and heal to love and laugh and importantly be love and give love.

Here it is enjoy 


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Tina Marie


Wow I loved it!  It felt so freeing!  I'm going to have to get this song!!  Thank you so much for sharing!! ?

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I added that song to my library after last weeks circle. Today as I was driving to the grocery store my phone connected to the radio in my van and the song came on and played on repeat. I took that as a nudge from my Guides to practice my mindfulness meditation. When I got to the store parking lot I opened up my Insight Timer app and took a break from my hectic day to stop and focus on myself. It was just what I needed. Thank you Julian for sharing the song and reminding us how important meditation is. 

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Beverley Pennell


When daughter and hubby have gone to work. On goes the song.

Before I go to work its played. 

And before sleep.

Its been a great help. 

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