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About this blog

I would like to share all things Animal Communication related.  Some may say, animal communication is just for a certain type

of person.  I have found that through animals, a person that might not ordinarily consider nurturing themselves, will find that

through the process of animal communication they become aware of how deeply they are needed by their animal companions,

and how much they are loved and appreciated. This kind of transfer of information creates a full circle of love.  Animals are natural healers.

They shield us, and comfort us from the stresses of our world. Some of our animals even absorb our pain, illness and emotions. 

I help these deep and loving animals to understand that it is okay to remove these negative vibrations from our auric fields but,

it is not okay for them to hold on to them.  They are like us, they are energy sponges and someone needs to let them know, they can takes these 

energies from us, but, it is also within their power to release them.  I also work with people to help them understand that if they lose their beloved

animal companion, they are never far from them, in spirit.  I recently had a beautiful session with a woman that provided  undeniable evidential mediumship,

and proof of past life.  Her present cat returned to her again in this life, as another cat, she now calls her own.  I absolutely love that I am able to verify for people

that the feelings they have, and the knowing that they feel are without a doubt real, and they need to learn to trust in their inner knowing's and feelings.  

So, as you can see, by working with animals, I am also healing humans as well. 

Thanks for following along!



Entries in this blog


???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Have you ever stopped to think about what ‘friendship is’? We think of it as this ‘grand, lifelong endeavor with people we click with, or will be in our lives for the ‘long haul’.  This kind of definition of friendship may be what stops us in our tracks, from being a ‘friend’.  We simply decide we don’t have that much time or energy.   The truth is, we are called to be a friend to man, each and every day! It can be as simple as a

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy in Friendship

A Message From The Universe*!

A message from the Universe**You are loved, you are protected and you are Divinely Guided.  When we unite with the Divine presence within, only beautiful things can enter our lives.  Even when things are not feeling all sunshine and light. We are challenged to dig deep, and go within.  We trust, that even in the days of darkness and despair, The Universe is always working for our highest and best good.  Each new day is an opportunity to rise above it all, like the Phoenix! Higher perspective fro

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

A Message From My Dad-Through Automatic Writing

Automatic Writing In Circle With Julian  9/16/20   To Begin: Mantra - (breathe in) Connecting With, (breathe out) our loved ones. My Dad’s Message to me:  I wanted to share with the community.   Daisies, Black Eyed Susan's.  The sweet smell of summer ending and fall coming. I am in that gentle change, I am the softness of the breeze.  Yes, I am the whisper in the wind. Spirit is eternal. Our physical form fades, dims, goes away, back to the earth. Our spir

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

Spiritual Coffee~Love in a cup!

Good Morning Everyone! Today I started my day with 'Spiritual Coffee', with some of my wonderful friends from around the world! How amazing is that? I can get up before the sun rises, and have a chat with some of the brightest lights, and caring people that I know! Wow! How blessed am I? It never ceases to amaze me how much we all have in common! It was well worth the early morning alarm going off! Thank You Julian for hosting this 'Spiritual Coffee'! We did a meditation

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

Today I Will BE The Best Possible ME!

In my moment of clarity this morning, with all that is going on in our world right now, I had the most amazing thought! I will be my 'BEST ME'!  Things are so out of control right now, everywhere we look, things are out of balance things are very much out of 'our control'.  It is like we are spectators in a world coliseum of purse chaos!  We are all in this together, this I know with clarity! The thing I also know to be absolute truth is; we can only control how we

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

The Month Of May

As I write this I am contemplating the last day of May. This entire month felt odd. I can only describe it now, in one word, confusion! It was as if I was traveling between many different realities. Time just did not make sense. I was continually asking what day is it? I actually looked at a calendar at my Mom's and thought she is a month behind, when I saw May! I thought it was June! It was hard to keep my appointment times straight.  I felt like I was just scrambling to find my

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

Spiritual Awakening Musing

Hello Everyone! It has been a minute since my last blog post!  I wanted to just say a little bit about 'spiritual awakening'. This is a subject that truly never gets old to me! I am so inspired by everyone's spiritual growth.  Some of us wake up over long periods of time, some of us just 'pop', for lack of a better word to describe! It can all be a  bit overwhelming, that is for sure.  I have been inspired so many times by my angels and guides to continue with my passion

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

Through The Eye Of God

I astral traveled and this time I let my guides take me where they felt I needed to go and learn.   I arrived to a place that was nothing like I had ever seen before.  At first it was dark.  I asked, where am I? A voice answered.  You are in the eye of God.  The colors then appeared as vivid orange, red, yellow, blue and then I began to see images as a movie reel.   As I saw through the eye of God.  He showed me what he sees when he looks out and upon humanity.  He showed me people in want, lack

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

Putting Things Into Perspective

How is everyone doing? How are things in your area in regards to the CV?  They have opened things up her where I live (Oklahoma, USA) and there is already an increase in cv cases.  I wish I could say we are nearing the end of this covid 19 tunnel but I feel the uncertainty and virus itself is going to linger for a while.  Honestly, I thought 9/11 was the single most defining moment of our generation.  Now I am saying it is cv! It is a bit unnerving to consider we have lost more of our freed

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

Galactic Beings/Planetary Team

My notes from part 2 of meeting our galactic team   If anyone else gets similar, after watching the replay, let me know! I have a total connection to all of these beings but, the Orions feel like my origin!    Andromeda Tall beings, orange clothing, large heads, large almond eyes. Imparting wisdom, peace, light, ascension energy. They shape shift, they walk among us. They may be prominent light workers in this physical realm, people of power. They have swords and light come

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

Got Astral?

Astral Travel! I can't believe I have actually bought plane tickets to go anywhere! ?  All joking aside! We have been stuck in quarantine but, that does not mean we can not take a journey to  far away places! Places that not even our wildest dreams or imaginings could fully bring to life!  I have recently learned the skill of astral travel. With every new metaphysical skill I learn and develop I am always amazed as to how much growth that takes place inside of my being.

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

Arch Angel Rapael

Let the Angels Be your Guides  Today, I want to talk to you about Arch Angel Raphael. Have you ever just called upon him? Do you know he is the 'Divine Healer'? Have you ever just basked in his divine love and healing? If you do, his color may appear as an amazingly beautiful green light! His energy and vibration will fill you with a warmth and peace, that no amount of money could buy! He taught me today that when my eyes water during my mediumship sessions or

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

Lean On Me

Today, once again, my guides and helpers are working with me through friends, memories and music! A friend on facebook posted that a singer song writer by the name of Bill Withers  passed away on March 30, 2020 at the age of 81.  He wrote some very moving songs and one of  my favorites of his was  'Ain't No Sunshine'.  I went to  listen to that song in his honor.  It occurred to me while I listened, that we all want to be loved and missed in that way by someone who deepl

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

If There's A Bustle In Your Hedgrow

Hang with me here! I woke up today with a song in my mind! I know that my guides were working on me with the song 'Stair Way To Heaven',  which I have always loved, since I was a teen! The lyrics that came to mind were;  the title of this new blog entry.  Then the song continued in my mind.. 'If There's A Bustle In Your Hedgerow', don't be alarmed now.. It's just a Spring clean for the May Queen .. Yes there are two paths you can go by but in the long run There

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening  I have been pondering this topic a lot lately.   Spiritual Awakening is defined very simply as;  A place in time that marks the beginning of your initiation on your spiritual path. We then discover while walking along our spiritual path, through our own spiritual awakening. That the pursuit of money, material possessions and all that the world teaches us is the path to true happiness and success, becomes something that no longer seems as importa

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

Gift Of God

Just recently I stumbled upon the story of a Black Wolf who wandered out of the woods one day and became a friend to man. (You can read his story, or watch videos about him on youtube). He also has a facebook page. ttps://www.facebook.com/Romeo-The-Story-of-an-Alaskan-Wolf-342207335809587/ The author of his book, is the admin of this page. I had the pleasure of conversing with him via Romeo's Page. When I saw his story, and picture. I was immediately captivated by his deep

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

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