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Spiritual Awakening

Melissa Kennedy


Spiritual Awakening 

I have been pondering this topic a lot lately.  

Spiritual Awakening is defined very simply as; 

A place in time that marks the beginning of your initiation on your spiritual path.

We then discover while walking along our spiritual path, through our own spiritual awakening.

That the pursuit of money, material possessions and all that the world teaches us

is the path to true happiness and success, becomes something that no longer seems as important.

Our spiritual eyes open, and we discover, understanding, love, compassion, empathy, and kindness,

are truly the best riches we can carry with us along this path of 'spiritual awakening'.

The very process of waking up spiritually, may be something you have been doing from your

earliest recollection or you may have  woken up one day and asked yourself, what is my purpose?

There has to be more to life than this! Or maybe, you had a series of undeniable synchronicities, signs?

Maybe you had an experiences that shook every fiber of your being, and turned your world upside down?

Perhaps the loss of a loved one, a friend, a pet?  Piece by piece, it may have felt like your life had fallen 

apart, and only ashes remained.  I have learned that the fires that I have walked through, and the ashes that

remained, brought me to a place of higher understanding. Yes, the fires of life burn, they are not seen by those

around us, yet, we know they are real, we experience them.  When we walk out of these personal fires.

We emerge each time as new person, a transformed person, a person who not only understands themselves but, we also seek

to empathize with those that have been forged through these fires, and have walked out, on the other side. 

Totally reborn, totally prepared to pick up the diamonds of wisdom that the fires created and ashes left behind!

Each and every one of us is walking this path of 'Spiritual Awakening'.  It is a process that is life long, no matter where

you are in your own personal 'spiritual awakening', please know, you are never alone, and nothing you could tell any one of us

here in this community, would surprise us in any way! Things are not always what they appear to be.

We see things in a whole new light, we experience life in a whole new way.  We all do this, each and every day! 

I will be writing more about my own personal 'spiritual awakening', in the days to come. 

I do this because, I feel that we are all student's and we are all teachers.  There is no way, one person could have all of the answers!

We work together, we put the pieces together as we go.

One day, the puzzle will come together perfectly.

When this happens, we can only imagine our total joy and bliss at the wonderful masterpiece our life became! 

Keep walking your 'spiritual path'! It is yours, and you are exactly where you are supposed to be! 

Peace, Love and Light! 



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Beautiful and that all resonates with me Melissa. Would love to hear about everyones awakening stories..

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Julian Jenkins


Wonderful x


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Thank you Melissa! This was a beautiful reminder today for myself, that through all the stages and ups and downs, it will all come together and make sense again! 

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Melissa Kennedy


You’re Welcome Mandi!
Yes, and if you ever need a non judge mental ear, I am here! ❤️
I will help in any way I can, and if I don’t have the answer, I will sure help you find it! We learn something new every day!  

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Melissa Kennedy


You're Welcome Tina Marie! ! I am pondering more on this topic! It really is a topic with many chapters! ? 

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Thank you for sharing Melissa! Inspiring! It resonates a lot with my path ? 

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Melissa Kennedy


You're Welcome Elena! I am so glad it has inspired you! Your path is beautiful, just as you are! 


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Acknowledging, being grateful and expading ❤️ Really glad to get to know you and loved the past life reading for us two! hahaha ❤️ 

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Melissa Kennedy


Thank You as well, Tina Marie! I will continue!  xo 

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Rachel Lynch


Thank you for sharing, that really resonated with me ?

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Melissa Kennedy


Rachel Lynch: I love it when that happens! Thanks for visiting! I try to follow everyone who visits my page or comments on a blog. I have yet to figure out how to find everyone any other way! LOL 

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Rachel Lynch


I was just sat nodding my head to everything! Thank you so much for your words ☺️

I am still getting to grips using this lol ?

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Melissa Kennedy


Thank You Rachel!

So glad it resonated with you! 


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Melissa Kennedy


Yes Elena! This past life reading is really becoming a blooming area for me! It is amazing how much we are connected in ways that we were not aware of, until this moment in time! I stand in amazement to the growth and learning we are all experiencing as a collective!! xo 

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