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Through The Eye Of God

Melissa Kennedy


I astral traveled and this time I let my guides take me where they felt I needed to go and learn.   I arrived to a place that was nothing like I had ever seen before.  At first it was dark.  I asked, where am I? A voice answered.  You are in the eye of God.  The colors then appeared as vivid orange, red, yellow, blue and then I began to see images as a movie reel.   As I saw through the eye of God.  He showed me what he sees when he looks out and upon humanity.  He showed me people in want, lack, poverty, despair, division, loneliness.  Society blindly walking about, totally disconnected from him and each other.  It was so painful, I could not watch for long.  I had to return to my body.  I had so much pressure in my third eye.  I was so overcome with this sadness and every emotion I had seen through his eye.  I felt so much despair at what I had seen. It felt as if my entire being would break.  I had to cry to release the pain.  All I could say was how sorry I was for humanities lack of love, connection and peace.  I could only offer my tiny contribution of empathy.  I wonder, does anyone ever seek to comfort God? If you could see through his eye, I promise you would offer your small portion of empathy and compassion as well.  

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Tina Marie


Thank you for sharing your experience.  I can say that I don't offer God my comfort, but I do ask for forgiveness, and offer my unconditional love.  ? ?

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Melissa Kennedy


Tina That is beautiful ? Thank You! It is heart centered.
 My way of processing this experience and my words describing it, do not even begin to adequately describe how I felt, over what I was shown.   

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Tina Marie


I know some things are just beyond our words.  ?  I so appreciate you!

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Stephanie Agosta


I've never thought of comforting God.  Something to think about.

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Melissa Kennedy


Nether had I! Yes, it is thought provoking! ?

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