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Sheena Cox

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Energy , Energy everywhere

Hi all, I hope you are all well, Just recently I have seen a huge shift  in energy , some good , some not so .As an empath I sometimes get other people energy attaching to me and this is not good as it usually wears me down . Everything thing is energy , some times you can see it , just like auras and other times we can't , much like the wifi and radio signals , you know and trust they are there but you never see it. It seams that everyone is being affected by it so I thought I wo


Sheena74 in Energy

Angel Card for today

The card I pulled today 9 th of Sept 2021 was from Kyle Gray's angel guide oracle cards. The card was "Do the Work" ... What does this mean for me ........... Well it means I have to put the effort in ... I have to keep showing up for my spiritual practices, to shine my light in all the shadowy corners and face whatever is lurking there. As without my light ,how can I ever see through the shadows?  Julian said in circle last night , that we all need  to stop using our  spirit


Sheena74 in Inspiration


I have not written on here in a while ,with one thing and another and home  schooling a 8yr old and 10yr old it hasn't been easy to find time for myself.  Anyway there has been a niggling thought in the back of my head that my job was not the one for me and I need to push myself with regards to my card reading and mediumship.  So after a talk with my hubby I have made the decision to resign from my day job ,so I can concentrate on the spiritual side of me . And do you know what, a


Sheena74 in Listen to myself


Well today I have made a big step in my life  I have been with a mediumship circle near where I live for around 3 years , and although I have learned a lot from going there and will miss the people I have quit , I am feeling that I am not learning anymore , this has been quite a hard decision , but for me to grow it's important I leave , I need to practise on my trance , and that is not the right group to practise in as I feel I was being put on show and it was not sitting right 



Meditation from the definitive guide to psychic mediumship

Hi  I have just done the guided meditation on section 4 of the definitive guide to psychic mediumship course  Will when I was talking to my guides they gave me this message and I thought I would share .One guide White Eagle keeps sending me hawks, everytime I go a walk I see one now which is amazing? Anyway the message.... "You are a seed of the flower and as it grows so will you , the flower doesn't know it's true path it just trusts that it will grow , also I have to follow



My first blog

I have been wanting to write a blog for a while but didn't know where to start , so I have now picked up the courage (yippee) My first experience with spirit was seeing my gran(my dad's mum) on the bottom of my bed ,I was 10 yrs old, she told me that everything would be fine and that I was to go back to sleep . When I woke in the morning , my mum said she had died , I told my mum that my gran had been sitting on my bed , to be told I was being silly , there were more visits from spirit



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