Meditation from the definitive guide to psychic mediumship
I have just done the guided meditation on section 4 of the definitive guide to psychic mediumship course
Will when I was talking to my guides they gave me this message and I thought I would share .One guide White Eagle keeps sending me hawks, everytime I go a walk I see one now which is amazing?
Anyway the message....
"You are a seed of the flower and as it grows so will you , the flower doesn't know it's true path it just trusts that it will grow , also I have to follow the hawk , let us (my guides) be the wind to steady my wings and to help me fly , feel us through the wind , use the keen eyesight to see further than I have before "
I am amazed as this is the first time I have gotten a message like this through meditation ,
I am just speachless now and would like to thank Julian for this course and all his courses
Love Sheena x
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