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Sheena Cox

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Well today I have made a big step in my life 

I have been with a mediumship circle near where I live for around 3 years , and although I have learned a lot from going there and will miss the people I have quit ,

I am feeling that I am not learning anymore , this has been quite a hard decision , but for me to grow it's important I leave ,

I need to practise on my trance , and that is not the right group to practise in as I feel I was being put on show and it was not sitting right 

So onwards and upwards , I also meditated on this and my guides said "there is a change coming for me and I had to be strong , just until the fog clears and I will see clearly again"

So for just now I will practise trance with the help of a friend who I trust and see where this new path leads

Peace and love Sheena xx

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Melissa Kennedy


@Sheena74 If it did not sit well in your Spirit, you were right to move on! We can practice here or if you would like, I would be happy to practice Trance with you! We could do a zoom session! Let me know! 

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On 09/10/2020 at 19:15, Melissa Kennedy said:

@Sheena74 If it did not sit well in your Spirit, you were right to move on! We can practice here or if you would like, I would be happy to practice Trance with you! We could do a zoom session! Let me know! 

Thank you Melissa I will keep that in mind  and when I am brave enough to try trance I will let you know xx 

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