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Sheena Cox

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Angel Card for today



The card I pulled today 9 th of Sept 2021 was from Kyle Gray's angel guide oracle cards.

The card was "Do the Work" ...

What does this mean for me ........... Well it means I have to put the effort in ...

I have to keep showing up for my spiritual practices, to shine my light in all the shadowy corners and face whatever is lurking there. As without my light ,how can I ever see through the shadows?

 Julian said in circle last night , that we all need  to stop using our  spiritual team just when I want something,

 I have to make sure they are a part of my everyday life , that includes making time in my day just to check in with them ,  after all we are a team and a team needs communication right? Or how would they know what the other players are thinking or even doing???

So from this day forward I will talk to my team at least once a day , my team also include Dragons , Unicorns and Angels as well as past loved ones and Guides , so I am never sure who will step forward and help me with my journey and that is part of the fun and excitement.

But this card and Julian have  definitely gave me the push I have been needing to get me organised and stop procrastinating.

So just like Captain Jean-Luc Picard said in Star trek "Make it so "    




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