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Communicating with the Spirit World

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Communicating with the Spirit World

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Automatic Writing

I have started sharing my messages from Spirit on social media in as many ways as I can, however, I still find it difficult. I had to change my thinking, I need to do this regardless of how scary it seems, how unsure I feel because I have been given these messages to communicate not to keep to myself. If I inspire one person with their words it will make a difference.  I received this message from a Guide through automictic writing with the intention to receive philosophy. I am here to help

Shani McKeown

Shani McKeown in Communicating with our Guides

My Guides way of Helping

My Husband and I recently had an appointment to visit my bank which was very stressful for me.  I explained that I needed to quickly meditate before leaving to  send my Guides ahead to ensure everything goes smoothly. I then spoke to my Main Guide who is a bald little Munk dressed in orange.  He is the one I go to when I need to vent about life and he always replies with a long silence and about three words which are always so powerful. He doesn't say many words and has a calming peaceful presen

Shani McKeown

Shani McKeown in My Spirit Guide

Message from Spirit

I sat and asked "Spirit, can you please give me a message for my face book page" I picked up my pen and began writing: Do you know where you are going?Look within as you may not recognise the path you are on, but the within always knows what is true to their heart. Always trust "The Within", it is you speaking your truth. As usual I was amazed with their message and posted to my face book page: https://www.facebook.com/shaniwithspirit.  I went to write it out in my special book fo

Shani McKeown

Shani McKeown

Learning Another Lesson

In my previous blog, I was finding my direction and following Spirit. Through my Guides and clairaudience, I was asked to do more Automatic Writing and then asked to create a Facebook "to get the message out to those who need help by inspiration of the words of Sprit". Yay, I finally achieved this and I was so happy. Then, I had a few people look at it and comment that I need to push to get it out there and begin to advertise to do readings. They kept asking about my progress, giving advise and

Shani McKeown

Shani McKeown

Journey To Find Direction

Due to covid-19, I had to stop work, go into lock down as I am high risk as a severe asthmatic. Then my church closed where I was practising Mediumship and inspirational channelling.. With everyone then in lockdown and everything closing, I decided to spend my time on my spiritual development and found many things to keep me going from crystals, chakras and automatic writing. I was doing bits of everything. Spirit asked me to make a Spiritual Facebook page. I didn’t see the point in this because

Shani McKeown

Shani McKeown

My Nanny

Hello, I thought I would give blogging a go to learn something new and I'm a bit nervous putting it out there. I have communicated with spirit for many years and I hear them (clairaudient) and have conversations and this is how I developed my Mediumship. I work in a small church as a guest speaker and medium to help bring through loved ones for people in our church. I have some amazing experiences showing how spirit can work their magic.  I grow up with my Mum and sister and we li

Shani McKeown

Shani McKeown

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