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Somewhere over the rainbow

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Glastonbury meet up Sat 14th August

Hi Everyone,    Wow what a year it has been, but like others, I have made some amazing friends, through Julians site.    There is a group of us, and fingers crossed Julian, meeting up in the square of Glastonbury on Saturday 14th August.  Its time and chance to see who we can face to face.   A walk up the Tor or around the grounds of the cathedral ruins, will also be organised.  Get in touch for the final details on here by messaging me,    Be love and give love.  


Carly in Glastonbury meet up

I thought i would write here where my interest of Galactic and Atlantis started.

Hi there,  I just thought I would explain about why and how I become to know about the Galactic teams.  I only talk from my own experiences and what people have written and passed on to me.  Most of my experience with the galactic teams have been through group channelling and past live regressions that i have done on others.  I used to be part of a small group where we would connect to the galactic teams, in my local town. We would channel messages and they would often help with my hea



Sharing My thoughts with you

I hope you lovely people wont mind, as I just feel that I want to write this and share.. I am sadly watching my dad, fade, to pass over in the next few days, maybe weeks from a terminal untreatable aggressive lung cancer. Hes been bedbound this week, which is new as he has upto now been able to get up, if even for a short time. What this time has given the both of us is time together, a very healing, special time, that I feel fortunate to have had with him.   In the last week, in fact



Ancestral healing

Just a quick blog about something I've been guided to share and a prime example of how building the relationship with spirit can work..   I've been dedicating myself to doing the mindfulness talked about on Sunday night.  And what I noticed is that spiritual chat has become very clear. So much so that on Monday eve I had what I call a light bulb moment.   Ancestral healing .. clear as day...was talked about by my guide.  Mmmm great I thought I have no idea about Ancestor




Blogging, something new to me..   So I thought I would start with something about working with my guides...   I have a number of guides and feel honoured recently in the trance udemy to have met some new ones.  When I started really getting to know them a few years ago , I would spend time, expanding my aura and asking my main guide samuel to move in and out, so that I could get used to his energy. I also remember asking him what he thought of my room that I had made int



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