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Rowtags Words

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This blog will comprise of all communications I get channelled from my Native Indian Spirit Guide Rowtag.


Entries in this blog

Spiritual Smile

Message from Spiritual Guide Ronnie: Sunday 2nd July 2023  Dear Beloved, Recognize and embrace the power of spirit within you - a power capable of gathering hearts in the sacred circle of love, and fusing diverse energies into a unified spiritual force. The divine potential is there to transform our world, bringing the serenity and joy of heaven to our earthbound lives. Our world is currently swaying under a mystical imbalance. As lightworkers, we are bestowed with the respon

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins in self love

We need to listen

When I was sat in meditation this morning I asked Ronnie, why does it say in so many words he who comes to Jesus / God will live forever. He said that in the end everyone comes to Jesus we all live forever I thought thats a better fairness it shows power with not power over. So me being on a roll I asked how do we truly connect with God, he said we are all connected to God, we all can pray, but do we all truly listen. Thought he is bang on again. Just wanted to share I think again this chat with

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

Rowtags communication part one

Rowtag communication part one. There has been much pain for man on this earth and our great forefathers have trodden a difficult path. A path that has been burdened with pain, hurt, and fear. Spiritualism is alive because of those in the past and we must never forget this as this is the way of god and we have to say hallelujah for their giving. Men and women form thousands of years have practiced spiritualism in many guises and different cultures. The culture you live in and your way of spi

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins


Sitting in the silence on a Sunday lunch time I was given this channelling from my guide Rowtag As always truly blessed and humbled to have such and amazing relationship. Friends  We all need friends and those friends will be there for eternity, but there is a difference with your spiritual soulmates we vibrate at a different energy levels and they are there when the times are at the most precious.  We must always be love and give love, but we must also know that some of our

Julian Jenkins

Julian Jenkins

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