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Julian Jenkins


Sitting in the silence on a Sunday lunch time I was given this channelling from my guide Rowtag

As always truly blessed and humbled to have such and amazing relationship.


We all need friends and those friends will be there for eternity, but there is a difference with your spiritual soulmates we vibrate at a different energy levels and they are there when the times are at the most precious. 

We must always be love and give love, but we must also know that some of our earth souls will never change no matter how much time energy or love you give. 

The divine has chosen you to do gods work and although on times you may feel frustrated by the way in which people may act, you must always show the love you have been given to bestow.

Times are challenging and this means your values will be stretched on a daily basis, but be true to self-be true to spirit and all will manifest in the way your soul needs, this will help nourish self along your spiritual pathway.

Blessed is as blessed be, breath believe and trust your connection and your relationship with spirit. 

God bless you, my friend.

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