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Holly Donath

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Meanderings.  My usual way of getting from point A to point B.

Entries in this blog

Business 101: The Mission Statement

A mission statement concisely explains why your business exists..  In a sentence or two, your mission statement describes your business purpose and function.  Your mission statement is the definition of your business and you, as its owner. What makes a good mission statement?  Here are some examples: Chewy.com  - To be the most trusted and convenient online destination for pet parents (and partners) everywhere. TED - Spread ideas. Brentwood Home - Do better.  Use more natural

Holly Donath

Holly Donath in Business 101

A Humble Tribute

Mitzi, I miss you.  I miss your smile, your laughter, you insight, and your wisdom.  You were a breath of home for me.   You put your cards on the table.  You told it the way is was.   Finding you on the call was like getting a wonderful, but unexpected visit from a treasured great aunt.  One who made you laugh, but brought pearls of wisdom.  You were kindred spirit, a true joy to know.  You made such an impact.   I am truly honored to have known you. 

Holly Donath

Holly Donath in Observations of Life

Oracle Card: Community

My oracle card for today was the card of community.  I select my card-of-the-day with the help of my pendulum guide, Ceda.  Ceda lived on the island of Crete around 1,200 B.C. in the places, and did not survive a battle with the invading Sea People.  Ceda helps me find things.  I vacuumed-up a treasured necklace, which had belonged to a very dear relative.  After emptying the contents of the vacuum bag, I didn't find the necklace.  My husband suggested I consult my pendulum guide.  With Ced

Holly Donath

Holly Donath in Life Lessons

Nature Lesson

Today, during the hottest part of the day, I decided to spend some time outside texting a friend who had been offline for a while.   I sat in the shade, but soon began to itch from the grass. I fetched a white matelasse bed cover, which I spread out on the offending grass, along with my sunscreen, hat, and tall glass of water.  As I ended my conversation with my friend, I noticed a single white clover flower.  It was all by itself in a patch of grass.  There it stood.  Proud, tall and alone.  

Holly Donath

Holly Donath in Life Lessons

Sunday Unexpected

Yesterday was a day spent in nature.  In my front garden, I dug up the bits and pieces of ornamental grass that survived our unusually cold winter.  Cutting out the dead roots, I took great care to locate the earthworms burrowed among the intertwined roots.  I found an amazing number of them, from adults down to tiny, baby earthworms and re-homed them back into the garden to let them continue their work. As I was separating the roots, my husband suddenly stopped mowing and yelled my name.  

Holly Donath

Holly Donath in Observations of Life

Legions of Animals

The following is a description of a meditation experience I had shortly after the unexpected death of a good friend. My clearing in the woods has a mature tree, which has stood there through the ages.  It has fallen limbs and gnarled branches, but the wisdom immigrating from the tree radiates.  The falling limbs form a seat for me, with my name carved, but barely legible, in the wood and bark.  My name has been there for ages, now weathered and beaten.  Waiting.   As I sit upon my seat

Holly Donath

Holly Donath in Meditation Experience

2.22.21 Mindfulness Monday

The Mindfulness Monday session today was a writing meditation.  With my favorite black Tul needle point pen, I was poised above a blank sheet of college ruled paper waiting on the first question.  We were instructed to let our thoughts flow without regard for spelling, grammar or penmanship.   Question one was on the order of what is something about myself that brings me displeasure.  What immediately came to mind is my struggle to memorize a certain Tae Kwon Do form.  But that’s not really

Holly Donath

Holly Donath in Mindfulness Mondays

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