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A Humble Tribute

Holly Donath


Mitzi, I miss you.  I miss your smile, your laughter, you insight, and your wisdom.  You were a breath of home for me.   You put your cards on the table.  You told it the way is was.   Finding you on the call was like getting a wonderful, but unexpected visit from a treasured great aunt.  One who made you laugh, but brought pearls of wisdom.  You were kindred spirit, a true joy to know.  You made such an impact.   I am truly honored to have known you. 

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She's missed ❤️ 

Thank you for posting this.

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I’m still in shock about Mitzi. She had told me she had plans for relocating and we wouldn’t be too far away. She was so gifted. Does anyone know what happened?

I really miss her.


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