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"Armonia" is the greek word of Harmony. 

The rest will come through time and more downloads.

Entries in this blog

Free Udemy Course: Healing and Awakening the Heart Chakra

After talking with Julian and having his permission I am sharing with you a free coupon from my Udemy Course: Healing and Awakening the Heart Chakra - Energy Healing https://www.udemy.com/course/healing-and-awakening-the-heart-chakra-energy-healing/?couponCode=LOVEFREELY It's a course about the heart chakra, created with a lot of love, healing techniques and many insights for those who are looking for ways to heal. awaken and expand their heart chakra! It's a guide for indivi


Elena in Healing

Trance Mediumship with Greek Gods

On the circle of 27th of May, Julian guided us into trance mediumship and asked for a message of philosophy! Three greek gods came through with the following messages for all! I took a video of myself but I wasn't very clever because I placed my phone on the laptop and the background music combined with Julian's voice is louder than mine! lols  The messages were in Greek.   Goddess Athena I am goddess Athena and I am here to give you this message. I want you to translate



A letter of gratitude

It's been days I want to grab a pen and one of my many notebooks to write and write...Instead of that, being busy and creative at the same time, I use my phone to write some things...  Today I will post my gratitude's journal page. Hoping to light up some spirits in this place. It is a letter to myself, that I used to feel uncomofartble even to think of writing like this. I was guided to share it and this is a safe place to do so. ❤️  Reading it again... I see myself talkin



Some food for thought and more...!

❤️Some food for thought, since we have more time than usual! ❤️ My thoughts on COVID-19 and what we are all going through these times. I heard in the news today that this specific virus affects the immune system and turns it against the body itself. I am not a doctor nor an expert, for sure. I am a newly (to my conscious mind) started spiritual energy healer, if a label is needed. A virus, that we allow it to come into our system, to destroy it from the inside by turning ourselves ag



Spirit guides meditation

My fisrt acquaintance with my spirit guides was a bliss. I was standing by the fire trying to meet all of them, one by one. There was an elderly woman with long grey hair, a peaceful presence. I later learnt her name is Stella. She is a witch and a healer. I met an Indian man with long black hair and he told me his name is "Dragon's heart". He is quite, not too talkative. He was sitting by the fire and had something in his hands. Then, an Indian young woman, who is here for protection and s



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