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Wisdom from my Spirit Guides

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I will be sharing the thoughts I receive from my Spirit Guides.  

Entries in this blog

Successful Encounter!

Hi Everyone!  I hope you are all doing well!  I have been super busy lately, but I had to share something!  I'm sure most of you use essential oils.  I do, but usually it's in a diffuser, and I put it in my room when I mediate.  Yesterday, I had to confront someone, and I knew it would be a very stressful situation for me so I called in my Archangels for Protection and asked them to give me the words.  My Spirit Guides to guide me in what to say and when to say it! And any other Spirits that wan

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

Sunshine and Blue Skies... Is that how you see life?

Today I got up, and decided to go outside, and have my coffee! I'm on my patio watching the clouds go by! They are going at such a fast rate that the sky is ever changing. I'm told there is a storm coming, but I'm not seeing it right now. As I'm watching the clouds it reminds me of life. Sometimes it moves so fast we can hardly keep up, and other times it moves so slow we wish it would move on. It also reminds me that there is a steadfast part that we can't always see. As the clouds move by

Tina Marie

Tina Marie in Encouragement

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