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when poetry comes through

Beverley Pennell


Recently i have noticed that when my mind has gone blank and i am relaxed, strange things have begun to happen . Poetry.

I was never any good at poetry, but quite alot has been coming through, usually at the most strange times.  I had been to the garden center just for a look to raise the spirits,

or so i thought $200 dollars later followed by the most beautiful journey home with this outer voice giving me a bout of poetry about the plants i had bought.

i asked for guidance where to plant them, and followed the instructions given. received another bout of poetry. I thanked the guardians of the garden for giving me the inspiration and the love they had given me that day.

Even pegging out the washing the poetry has been coming through as to why i should spend more time out doors.  Looking at a beautiful photo a fellow group member had posted the poetry came through for her,  I asked the poetry guide to wait hang on i will get a pen and paper so i can write it down.  

So i guess this another journey for me to follow which i am embracing and with spirits patience i hope to get it all written down.

I did manage to get 2 pieces written down and i put them on my face book page .


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Tina Marie


Thank you so much for sharing!  It goes to show that when we are open the gifts come forward!  I can't wait to hear more of your work! ?

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