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Taking a friend and spirit to hospital

Beverley Pennell


I took a friend to hospital today  for some treatment on her eye, my friend is 85 and is a gifted medium herself, The procedure she was going to have was rather unpleasant, and if it had been me i honestly don't think i could of had it.

Anyway after a short drive we were laughing about the way spirit seems to show up unexpectedly , and i had said it was a pity we couldn't have an out of body experience or astral travel so our other self could have the treatment and we could stay at home.

After a while she looked round and said she was rather frightened as the last set of injections she had the Dr got angry because she couldn't stop her head shaking and he couldn't do the injection, So feeling a smart mouthed i said but when you channel spirit you don't shake .  Why don't you give it ago but ask your guide not to speak , just ask his energy to come close and to be with you.  We saw the first nurse who did the eye test my friend was shaking,  the nurse shook her head put in some eye drops and sent us off to nurse number 2. this was for the eye scan, i asked my friend to call him to her explain what was needed but he couldn't come through and speak.  We were shown into the room,   " sit down dear " she said . my friend did and  the scanning machine was brought close. The room grew warm loving and my friend stopped shaking. within 5mins the scans were complete.  The nurse help her to  get off the chair we were both grinning,  " He did it for me,  did you feel him ",  I was rather gob smacked,  As we continued to nurse  number 3 the shaking had returned, but she was still smiling,  Ok i thought lets give it another go, nurse number 3 sat my friend  down put some more drops I nodded to my friend call him in now , she smiled the next minuet i got the scare of my life,  The eyes that looked back at me were huge, dark brown but were radiating such warmth, i couldn't find a trace of my friend, she  sat there, nurse number 3 carried on applying this and that yapping away i couldn't take my eyes of my friend. No Shaking just a very calm person that i had never seen before.  we were asked to sit outside and wait to be called in for the final procedure .  She just sat calm, cool , no shaking, I asked if she was ok. She just held my hand and said wait dear friend just wait.

MY friend had her final procedure was in and out within 15mins. my heart was in my mouth believe me  i wouldn't wish what she had done on anyone. The door opened and out she came smiling, cool,  calm and collected. We walked very quietly back to the car, in she sat, i kept stealing glances at her. in the end i had to stop the car, pull over and ask her to come back. I thanked her guide for stepping in and helping my dear friend, we were both very greatful. Finally my friend returned to planet earth, i asked her if she could remember anything no , i just herd someone telling me to step aside all would be well. so i did. 

3/4 of an hour later her eyes were back to being tiny green and naughty looking she was back.  

So make of that what you will but i thought i would share it with you,  let me know what you think happened.




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Tina Marie


WOW!  Thank you so much for sharing!  "They did what you asked!"  That's what happened!  WOW!  AMAZING! ??

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Beverley Pennell


It is an on going thing with my friend now, but at least she knows what to do.

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Melissa Kennedy


Wow! What an amazing story! Thank you for sharing Bev! & May I add, you are a special caring friend! xo 

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