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Touched by spirit

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Mind Blowing

Hello everyone, i am looking for some advice please. I have joined several practice reading groups on Facebook. I have been reading photos of passed and living, with amazing feedback, i can honestly say every reading i have done its about 12 now, and not one person has said i am wrong. An admin from another group has jumped in wanting me to be an approved reader for her group, she tested me with a photo that she users for all her readers, she said i had blown her away with the accuracy of the re


john in Touched by spirit

Touched by Spirit

Id very much like to share with you what happened to me after the death of my mother. My mum aged 89 years passed in May 2019, i was totally lost.  June 2019 i was laying on my sofa eyes closed just thinking about mum and the memories we shared together.  All of a sudden i felt weight on top of my body, not a heavy weight but i know there was something laying on top of me, i felt this weight go underneath me also i felt enveloped in it. I was scared to scared to move or open my eyes, this w


john in Touched by spirit

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