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Hello beautiful souls ? I felt inspired to write a blog, it comes to me at random times of the day, I’m learning every day to follow my intuition and it’s proven to be very useful. I find myself talking to myself (as though it seems to the outside world) but really I’m talking with my guides which is wonderful. They are the ones who inspire me, they are the ones who nudge me and tell me to act.    Its taken me a while not that it matters as we all grow and act at different times to s

Demi Christofi

Demi Christofi

Waking Up

Hello my fellow angels,  This is my first blog on this site, so I'm a little nervous about putting my thoughts and understanding down but I feel inspired by this wonderful community. I am a newbie, as in being able to talk about this wonderful gift with like minded people. I live just outside of London in the UK. Im a full time mother for four children and finding time to sit and meditate can be challenging, though I do what I can when I can and I feel myself slowly growing.  When

Demi Christofi

Demi Christofi

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