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Wisdom from my Spirit Guides

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Tina Marie


As a young child I always used my intuition, but as I got older I found I didn't trust it as much.  When I look back on why I lost trust, it was revealed to me that I was selfish.  I wasn't looking for what was best for everyone, I was doing what I thought was best for me.  The hard part was it actually wasn't what was best for me.  My intuition was telling me to stop, don't do that, get away, but I thought "This can't be right! I know what's best!"  But I didn't... I had to admit I was wrong... Every time!

As a result of not listening I had a lot of heartache.  Pain, Disappointment, Discouragement, No Self Worth, and more were my life.  When I was forced to make a difficult decision, due to illness caused by stress, I decided to start listening to my intuition.  It was a fight, flight or freeze situation.  After much thought I chose flight.  It was time for me to move on.  My intuition told me if I stayed where I was... I would die.  I always felt like  there was something I was supposed to do, and I wasn't doing it.  If I died I wouldn't be able to do it either. ?

I picked myself up, moved forward, and came back to who I should have been in the first place.  Psychic Medium.  My goal is to help as many people find their true self as I can.  I find so many people live their life blindly.  They don't know who they are, and if they are seeking they don't know where to look.  I hope to be a beacon of light to show them the way as I know may of you do too!

I'm so glad I found all of you!  Your stories are so uplifting and encouraging!

Sending you all a Blessing of Pure Love and Light!

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Beverley Pennell


hi there honey,

i have been trying to find out where my intuition went, 

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Tina Marie


I'm sensing that you shut it down because you didn't trust it.  You can get it back!  What I did was listen to my first response in situations.  I didn't let logic come into play.  You can try when you go for a drive.  Ask the Spirits which way to go.  They always tell me!  So much so that my husband will say, "Straight or turn" when we are going to our favorite place to dance!  I'm always right! ?  It's fun when he does that because in the beginning I would say, "Turn here."  He was like, "Why?"  I would say, "I don't know just do it."  Sometimes he wouldn't listen, and we would get stuck at a light.  Then I would say, "I told you to turn."  hahaha.  Let me know how you do! ? 

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Beverley Pennell


Thank you. I will give this ago. 

I have so much work to do. 

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Barbara Kraft


Meladream this is so true.   I have so much to work on but things are coming along. I’m a work in progress.  

Thank you for the sharing. ?

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I feel connected to what you said because I feel that has been part of why I struggled for so long.  As a young girl, I always went with my intuition, and I got in trouble a lot because it was not how I was told to behave.  So I started to doubt my intuition and no longer trusted spirit or myself.  There were many years of struggle and now that I have turned back to my intuition first and trusting spiritually, my whole life has changed. I feel like I am finally me.

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