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We Are The Answers.

Julian Jenkins


We Are The Answers
I like many over the years have always been searching externally for the answers always expecting to be met by a wiser soul than me to give me the penny drop information that is going to change my life.

This on times happens, but if you think about it actually what does happen is they give you the key to unlock the answer from inside.

In many ways, I am thinking more and more about the role people within our movement position ourselves and the roles and services we offer.

I have moved back from the front line so to speak and now want to support those who are on the spiritual coal face, helping people understand their way in life.

There are many battle scars, sweat, tears and blood and those experiences have all taught me one thing. Nothing ever happens to you it all happens for you.

For you to experience and understanding of emotions, traumas and situations that may have blighted all our lives.

This is where my book From A Burden To A Blessing comes from, over the years I was racking my mind as to why me why are all these things happening and trying to find the true answers externally.

Then I found the best teacher, mentor and guide I could have ever wanted and that person like you is me.

You are the best person to help you, and we do that through the connection with self and moving forward the connection with spirit.

The next time you feel down, or want an answer to a problem or situation, just sit with yourself take your time and don't rush on impulse, in fact, stop.

Close your eyes take a deep breath to connect with your heart and ask the question, then feel the answers. They may not be immediate but they will come through signs, messages and experiences. Be open to yourself and be open to the answers that show us the way.

We are not just the questions but we are also the answers.

Be Love Give Love 

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Michelle SC


Thanks Julian. These are concepts I have been trying to come to terms with over the years. It is good to have it explained like this to remind us. 

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