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Joseph McDonnell

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Signs from spirit



Today i was driving in my car and a song came on Proud by Heather small. The song was really resonating with how i was at that moment in time i thought to myself how can i make myself proud and i was going to get my friend and her child and i thought im going to lift my tarot cards i just knew spirit where really trying to grab my attention i says to myself im going to do these for my friend she was overwhelmed at cards and how they resonated and the cards where explaing everything spirit gave me alot of cards beautiful i cant describe how it went but everything was accurate i got a card for myself and it was transformation i know im growing and ascending im am so greatful  things seem to be moving very nice  now all thanks to lh coming love and light xxxx

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Yay Joseph well done, you listened to spirit and yourself and not the pendulum. Great work ?

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Hi carly ive barley used the pendulum im trusting myself alot more with the process practice and patience and let it flow xx love and light 

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Melissa Kennedy


Excellent Joseph! So glad to see that you are seeing what spirit can do when you are open to all of the signs, great and small! Keep up the good work! ? 

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Thank you Melissa im growing and growing thanks to this wonderful community 

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And thanks to all the trust you put and the surrendering! proud of you Joe.

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Tina Marie


Thank you for sharing!  It's wonderful to see a "bud" blooming so beautifully!  Sending you a Blessing that the Spirits will continue to open your eyes wide to see the wonder they have to share!  Fear not and go forth! So excited for you and a Blessing to all who read your words!

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Thank you so much Tina Marie means alot i will be blogging soon keep eye for them love and light xxx

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