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Debbie Esser-Swanson

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About this blog

So as I am inspired by my fellow class mates I decided I will share some of my Poems/musings. I have never shared these, not even with family.

The sands of time are falling

Be not afraid, for when the last grain drops

you will return to the light, return to Devine source God

When the body is done, your spirit rises in elation

You will be mourned, tears are shed 

Hearts heavy with sorrow

You are radiant with joy, set free

Life’s struggles are far behind

They feel empty and miss your love

Yet you are with them, they do not understand

They must remember, Cherish the time we had

Then they will know we are together, I am there always.


Entries in this blog


Look at the beauty  Look close Is she not a beautiful Mother The air is cold we are in winter She wears her coat of rest Yet her fire burns deep within She keeps us safe, provides us art water and food Feel her love Feel her energy Show her love, give her healing We are one with mother with father light within light without



Time or is it

The sands of time are falling  Be not afraid for when the last grain lands I will return to the light, to God our Divine Father When the body is done, my spirit rises up  Will I be mourned, tears will be shed Hearts heavy with sorrow Yet I am set free, radiant light, filled with joy Life's prison of struggle, war and disease gone Do they feel empty, do they miss my love I am there with them, do they know They will know I am there with every memor



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