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The Power Of Acceptance

Julian Jenkins


After the energies of gratitude and abundance from last night's full moon, we turn today to move into a space of acceptance.

One of my favourite quotes is "acceptance is the key to happiness."

What does acceptance mean?

Acceptance allows you to be a centred connection to the present moment and will enable you to better deal with situations in a calm and mindful way.

We spend our lives searching for the key to happiness, but I have to tell you, and there is a spoiler alert here there is no magic formula that will make you feel happier or better about yourself. So, stop looking and focus on yourself because the key to happiness lies within you. The key to happiness is brought through acceptance.

Everything is temporary, everything changes.

Nothing is permanent, everything changes; nowhere is this more obvious than in nature. As the world around us moves through the different seasons, the changes are reflected in the weather, the leaves, the energy, and the light. One moment you're enjoying the incredible warmth of the summer, the next, the rain and Autumn leaves, before wrapping up warm in the winter, everything changes.

We can bring this pattern and cyclical rule to our lives, many things will alter who you are throughout your life. Mindfulness is key in the ability to truly accept whatever comes to us in the present, understanding that being present and having acceptance will benefit us in the future.

At times these changes are not pleasant and we may not like what's happening at this moment because ego tells us life has to be like this or that, amplified through social teachings, but on many times the door that's closing is the beginning of something new, a further opportunity on our spiritual pathway.

Throughout my life and even more so since my Dad passed 14 years ago, I have cultivated the practice of whatever comes to me I look at in an accepting way, I'm learning as we are all students, that there's a higher plan a divine purpose a vocational journey, and it's a much better plan, as it turns out!

To accept the reality of our lives is the simplest way to live

Click Here To Listen To My Mindfulness Meditation On The Power Of Acceptance.

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